An up-to-date, quality handbook ensures compliance with laws and helps defend against employee claims.  A handbook will express your organization’s vision, values and goals.  Additionally, it will accurately communicate your organization’s expectations and policies regarding employment, compensation, conduct, safety and other important policies.  More importantly, managers can refer to the handbook when answering questions or making decisions on necessary disciplinary actions.

Not only does a handbook introduce your organization’s expectations to your employees, it serves as an important compliance document that shares the rights and obligations for both employees and the employer.  According to a study by Insurance Journal, about one in five small to mid-size organizations will face employment charges.  Claims can turn into expensive lawsuits, with the average charge costing around $125,000, including attorney’s fees and settlements. 

An employee handbook is a simple, preventative tool which provides written procedures on subjects like workplace discrimination and harassment.  These procedures are essential to minimizing risk and protecting your organization.  Additionally, a clear code of conduct and a progressive discipline policy can protect your organization in wrongful termination or discrimination claims.

In the end, employees can feel comfortable the expectations are outlined clearly and have a valuable resource to refer to for policy, expectations, and processes for questions or concerns.  Without this source, employees may feel they have to turn to a third party for resolution.  An example would be an employee filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) complaint for harassment due to absence of clear direction in a handbook. They may go to Wage and Hour Division with a pay complaint, which could trigger an audit not to mention a costly and time-consuming investigation.

Providing employees with a guide is a consistent and efficient way to ensure that everyone in the organization is treated equally.  The handbook can be referred to for direction and disputes. It can serve as a tool to clearly state the organization’s brand and culture as well as serve to attract, engage and retain top talent.  Finally, the written handbook expresses to employees that you want to be fair, can help you deal with lawsuits, and potentially prevent a lawsuit.

Synergisity offers review and development of personnel policies and handbooks customized to your organization.

Contact Synergisity today to learn more about auditing, revising or creating your employee handbook.