According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 500 workplace homicides in 2016, which accounted for 10% of all US fatal occupational injuries that year.  Of those fatalities, 79% were a result of shooting, 8% involved stabbing, cutting, slashing and piercing incidents and 7% involved hitting, kicking, beating, and shoving.

We all want to believe violence will never reach us, and this subject is one not to be concerned with.  Unfortunately, violent incidents in the workplace are more prevalent and happening every day around the United States. Discussions and planning for management of a violent incident, is a tough, frightening mission, but necessary to avoid being caught off guard.  Emergency planning and preparation will provide the greatest chance of saving lives during a violent emergency.

Empowering People to Save Lives

Active violence can happen anytime and anywhere – residences, law offices, restaurants, churches, businesses of any size, government offices, etc. Go beyond active shooter response training. This training program educates you to anticipate potential danger, react quickly if violence occurs, and to become an immediate responder to life-threatening bleeding. AVERT certification will prepare you for active violence and acute bleeding situations, wherever you are.

Most organizations have an emergency response plan which includes lockdown and/or shelter-in-place procedures for a threat of active violence. But, what would you do if you were not concealed, or your hiding place found? Would you freeze or be able to take proactive measures to protect yourself and others?

Would you know how to assist someone with life-threatening bleeding?

AVERT is great for businesses of all types and sizes, schools, churches and government offices.  The course has been developed by professional law enforcement, private security and medical experts to educate and prepare inexperienced people.  The course is based on direct experience in the trenches of emergency prevention and management.

Contact Synergisity today to learn more or to schedule an AVERT certification course at your organization.